LDD Brickmodels
By clicking on the Arrow (in the menu) you see all the categories where you can find the LDD files. Clicking on a sample of each category on the bottom of each page jumps to the specific category Clicking on a picture within a catogorie shows a larger image. Clicking on the description leads to the possibility to download the LXF-file. All of the LDD files are made by myself, however the design isn't. Most of the Train category is based on models from www.RailBricks.com, a great LEGO®-train site unfortunately stopped a few years ago. The WWII section is mostly designed by Brian Fitzsimmons. Also a wide range of several sites with MOC's is used to create the LDD-files When a buildinginstruction is available, a separate button can be found below the image. The building instructions are always PDF files made with Blueprint from the LXF-base. At this moment there are only a few instructions available but I'm working on it. It's a satisfying but time-consuming job ;). |